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Film - "The PRAY"

Directed by Helge Guse

Screenplay by Helge Guse
Animation and painting by Helge Guse
Music  Waiting for Gyrotron by Little Glass Men

- Attribution License

Technical data about the work:
.mp4 H.264 HD Video

Aaspect ratio of 16:9, 1.78:1
Release date - 01.06.2021
Running time: 4:00
Ton: stereo


​Environmental disasters, global warming, serious viral diseases, wars and strained relations between countries have recently complicated our lives. Some actively struggle with the fate that has overtaken him. But others can only pray... 

Exhibitions, Screenings

6th Kino Pleme / Live Soundtrac                                                                
December 30 – 31, 2021
Belgrade, Serbia

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